Restaurant Management Blogs and Websites You Should Follow

Restaurant Malta

Whether you own, manage, or work in a restaurant, it’s a lot of work. Sometimes, to help you get by, you need advice, resources, or a voice to get that extra insight or confidence from. Fortunately, there are plenty of restaurant blogs and websites that can help.

Take a quick look at these questions:

  • Want to learn how to run and market your restaurant with greater confidence?
  • Looking for restaurant management tips and advice from other restaurant people?
  • Ever find yourself struggling to find a source of truth for tips on restaurant technology, metrics, and staffing?
  • Think you have time in your busy day to research restaurant publications, never mind read them?

Your answer to that last question might be a no – restaurant people are always busy and on the go – but chances are your answer to the first three is a resounding yes.

One of the best ways to continue to improve your business, increase customer satisfaction, and give your profits a kick is to take the time to learn from others and dig into best practices.

So you don’t have to spend your precious time searching, we put together this list of the top restaurant management blogs and publications every restaurateur should be following. They’re beautifully designed and brimming with resources and industry insights – all to give you the answers you need to get by and succeed.

1. Restaurant Business Online

Restaurant Business is a leading media brand in the commercial foodservice industry, with a focus on entrepreneurship, innovation, and growth.

Their team writes on industry analysis and trends, alongside the latest news, expert advice, and growth strategies for restaurant owners. The goal? Show restaurateurs how to capitalize on trends, new concepts, changes in consumer tastes, new purchasing strategies, and best practices

2. Open for Business, by OpenTable

Open for Business is the blog by OpenTable, sharing weekly news roundups, tips, resources, and Q&As to help restaurateurs run successful businesses.

3. Modern Restaurant Management

Open for Business is the blog by OpenTable, sharing weekly news roundups, tips, resources, and Q&As to help r

Modern Restaurant Management is a website dedicated completely to bettering your restaurant, encompassing the topics of marketing, operations, design, equipment, finance, and law.

It’s updated frequently, so you won’t miss a beat of info that might help your restaurant. There’s also video content – a great tactic for engaging website visitors.